Saturday, July 26, 2008

Serial Blasts - Is this a war?????

I am really sad to start my first blog with such a topic which is in total contrast to what I thought my Blog would say!!! But these are the hard facts of Life and turn around of things from past couple of days have totally disturbed me.

Serial blasts in Banglore followed by 17 Blasts in Ahmedabad. God knows how many bombs are still alive and our security agenices trying their best to find them and diffuse them. What an horrifying act is this. People who died in the blasts doesnt even know why they are dying. Even a hard core criminal knows why he is hanged before his death and here is a situation where a common man who is innocent, fighting for his daily livelihood is just killed in matter of seconds and he doesnt know why. His family is still unaware of his whereabouts and hoping that he will be back to home soon.

Is this what the terrorists want. Is this what Allah is preaching . Allah have never said to go and kill people, you know why, coz he is GOD and for GOD everyone is same , everyone is his child. No Mother will kill his own child. How come these people claim to be followers of Allah and do all the atrocities on his name.

How can they plant a bomb in a Hospital (trauma center). This is very very atrocitious and barbaric in nature. After all the blasts , ppl will be brought to Hospital and they wanted to kill them even there too......the worst thinking ever.

Atleast now the Govt should realize what they are in to. Put aside the vote bank politics and take stringent measures to curb the activities of Anti-Social elements. Bring out stringent laws, form federal agencies joining the Intelligence wings of all the States and above all take DECISIONS.
This should not be an activity which will go on for few days such that Govt and people forget this after the media finds another story. This should go on till the roots of Terrorism are removed from underneath and shot in head!!!!!

Partly to blame the citizens of this Country for not giving any Govt clear majority , so that they can stand alone and take decisions.

May God rest all those poor souls in peace and give courage to their families to fight the vicissitudes of LIFE.

-Jai Hind


dineshdan said...

Well after hearing about the serial bomb blasts which rocked various states in Inida, I just can't do justice to your blog's name which reads "Smile Plz"...

It's high time ppl understand that such sad happenings are giving way for rest of the world to laugh at us..

Correctly said by Sri, why can't we put an end to such inhuman act and live in peace by following the simple rule which says "Live and Let Live!!"

Srikanth Popuri said...

True Dinesh , I never thought that I would start my blog with such a tragic incident. When creating my blog accounting I wanted to discuss only those topics which will bring a smile on faces of others, but couldnt stop penning my thoughts after such a tragic incident.
Hopefully we will see a hppier tomorrow of which we can smile about

Rashmi said...

I think in Islam they say to Kill all non-Islamic. Though I could never reach the bottom line of it.

Itz one horrifying news I keep getting in not so long intervals.