Saturday, December 6, 2008

Aye Mere Watan Ke Logo

My tribute to our Great Indian Men in Uniform!!

There will not be any Indian who will not be moved to tears listening to this song written by Kavi Pradeep, Composed by C.Ramachandra and sung by our India's voice Sri.Lata Mageshkar.

ऐ मेरे वतन् के लोगों
तुम् खूब् लगा लो नारा
ये शुभ् दिन् है हम् सब् का
लहरा लो तिरंगा प्यारा
पर् मत् भूलो सीमा पर्
वीरों ने है प्राण् गँवा
कुछ् याद् उन्हें भी कर् लो -२
जो लौट् के घर् न आये -२

ऐ मेरे वतन् के लोगों
ज़रा आँख् में भर् लो पानी
जो शहीद् हु हैं उनकी
ज़रा याद् करो क़ुरबानी

जब् घायल् हु हिमालय्
खतरे में पड़ी आज़ादी
जब् तक् थी साँस् लड़े वो
फिर् अपनी लाश् बिछा दी
संगीन् पे धर् कर् माथा
सो गये अमर् बलिदानी
जो शहीद्॥।

जब् देश् में थी दीवाली
वो खेल् रहे थे होली
जब् हम् बैठे थे घरों में
वो झेल् रहे थे गोली
थे धन्य जवान् वो आपने
थी धन्य वो उनकी जवानी
जो शहीद्॥।

को सिख् को जाट् मराठा
को गुरखा को मदरासी
सरहद् पे मरनेवाला
हर् वीर् था भारतवासी
जो खून् गिरा पर्वत् पर्
वो खून् था हिंदुस्तानी
जो शहीद्॥।

थी खून् से लथ्-पथ् काया
फिर् भी बन्दूक् उठाके
दस्-दस् को एक् ने मारा
फिर् गिर् गये होश् गँवा के
जब् अन्त्-समय् आया तो
कह् गये के अब् मरते हैं
खुश् रहना देश् के प्यारों
अब् हम् तो सफ़र् करते हैं
क्या लोग् थे वो दीवाने
क्या लोग् थे वो अभिमानी
जो शहीद्॥।

तुम् भूल् न जा उनको
इस् लिये कही ये कहानी
जो शहीद्॥।
जय् हिन्द्॥। जय् हिन्द् की सेना -२
जय् हिन्द् जय् हिन्द् जय् हिन्द्

Translation ----

O! the people of my motherland!
Raise all the slogans you desire,
This is a great day for us all,
Hoist your beloved tricolor,
But don't forget on the border,
The brave did lose their lives,
And remember each great soldier,
Who did not return home ever,

O! the people of my motherland!
Shed a few tears,
For those who martyred on ice,
Remember their great sacrifice!

When injured was the Himalayan might,
Our freedom was in jeopardy,
Till their last breath did they fight,
And then laid their dead body,

Resting their head on the soil,
Sacrificed and slept immortal,
For those who martyred on ice,
Remember their great sacrifice!

When the country celebrated Diwali,
They played with their blood the game of Holi,
When we were sitting safe at our homes,
They dealt with deadly bullets and bombs.

Blessed they were those soldiers,
Blessed were their youths,
For those who martyred on ice,
Remember their great sacrifice!

Some Sikh, some Jaat and Maratha,
Some were Gurkha or Madrasi,
But each soldier who died on the border,
Was a brave Hindustani.

The blood that stained the mountain,
That blood was that of an Indian,
For those who martyred on ice,
Remember their great sacrifice!

With blood their body was drenched,
Yet they lifted their rifle and aimed,
One killed tens of the enemy,
Then fell down unconsciously.

When the final moment came on,
They said they will die now,
Be happy! O beloved of the nation,
We embark on eternal journey now,

How great were those patriots,
How great was their pride,
For those who martyred on ice,
Remember their great sacrifice!

Don't you ever forget their glory,
So I narrate this noble story,
For those who martyred on ice,
Remember their great sacrifice!

Victory to India!, Victory to her army!
Victory to India!
Victory to India!
Victory to India!

Jai Hind!!!!!!!!!!!!

My heart reaches out to all those families who lost there loved ones and who sacrificed there lives for our Country, for us to live!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Chiru in Politics~~~

Entire media is filled with Megastar's political entry news in Andhra Pradesh and seems that this Sunday they are very happy to have got a news to telecast for the whole day (probably some more days too) repeatedly. What else can be a better news item to them.

Being a Chiru fan personally, most of my friends ask me whether I support his party or not. I feel funny with this question itself. I am fan of him coz from my childhood I liked him as an actor. I liked his dance,action and all the masala elements of a South Indian Action.BUT does that mean that I support his political party??? I am atleast matured enough to have a clear distinction between movies and politics. There is no rule that a Reel Hero will be a Real Hero.

People need change,if this the change they are looking for...I dont know. Only time will tell whether he is a politician with a difference or a different politician. Whether he is going to be a sensible and knowledgeble person like Loksatta's Jaya Prakash Narayan or will be like any other politician is need to be keenly observed. But as his movie dialogue goes...'In front Crocodile festival' for him for sure with this dirty and murky politics all around. Whether he joins this dirt or takes up a cleansing job has to be watched.
With a series of flops recently, for sure his fans would be disappointed with this way of an exit from the filmdom for the megastar and surely will want one more flick from him which would be a blockbuster again.

Wishing the Mega Star All the very best!!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Celebrating Indian Independence!!

Tomorrow is our Independence Day and am very happy to celebrate it.

I Salute to all the great souls of this Country who made this possible for us. I Salute to all the freedom fighters who died to make us live today happily in a free country.

I salute to the great souls like BhagatSingh,Sukdev,Rajguru,Chandrasekhar Azad who fought fearlessly and happily welcomed the death at the age of 23.

I salute to the great leaders like Gandhiji, Lalaji, who stood in front and led the moment that witnessed Unity among Indians and made us realise we are One.

I salute to the greats like Gurjali Lal Nanda who despite being the PrimeMinister of India for two times, did not own a single house.

I salute to the likes of Abdul Kalam who showed the world What India can achieve and yet be the most simplest person.

I salute to the souls like Swami Vivekananda who thought us what our life is all about and showed the World what it means by brotherhood and whats India's true religion.

I salute the sacred souls like Mother Theresa who gave love to everyone and told the world that "There is more hunger in the world for love and appreciation in this world than for bread. "

I salute the likes of Vavirala Gopala Krishna who despite being an Indepedently elected MLA , used to visit assembly on Cycle and led a very simple life , did not even have children as he wanted dedicate all his life for the welfare of the Common man.

I salute the Great INDIAN Defence Forces who are continuosly protecting us at the borders so that we can have a good sleep. I salute the Police,administration who are continuosly working to keep our internal peace.

"Ye Desha megina Endukalidina , Ye Peethamekkina Evvareduraina,
Pogadara Nee Thalli Bhumi Bharathini , Nilupara Neejathi Nindugowravamu."

This translates to " Where ever you go , Which ever Country you are in , Whatever may be the stature/post you are in , Who ever you confront with , Praise your Holy Mother India and keep the respect of you Nation"

Mera Bharat Mahan~~~~Saare Jahan Se Acha Hindustan Hamara.

Vande Mataram. Proud to be an Indian.
Wishin you all a Very Happy Independence Day. :)


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Our MLAs and Anarchy

This may sound funny and you may assume me to be cynical for writing such a post again.
Yesterday In Hyderabad our respectful MLA from MIM(Majlis) simply took out a Gun and shot in the air in the famous populated Area of Abids in the afternoon. Reason being Municipal authorities were demolishing some illegal construction there.
Now his great followers took this as a great opportunity to showcase there talent and stopped the traffic on the busy main road of Abids. You know for how long ......3 hrs damn it!!

15 Ambulances were struck in the Jam and these great politicians did not have minimum common sense to allow them. Children coming from schools were struck for 3 hrs and were crying ..and the helpless parents approached some police officials who simply did nothing....nothing but nothing.

Is this total lack of administration??? Where's the Govt??? Where's the Police?? Where's the Traffic Police?? ... No one knows the answers!!!!!

Our beloved Home Minister of India...Mr. Shivraj Patil maintained his calm after the Bangalore Blasts and said there will be no problem again and yesterday after horrifying Ahmedabad blasts still he is at his peaceful best!!!! Occuping the post once held by the greats like Sardar Vallabhai Patel, not sure how his calmness is going to help our country in this need of hour when the Miscreants are threatening people with their mails and calls.
They call for a meeting , form commitees , review situation and next....nothing!!! That ends there until some unforseen activities happen again some innocent lives are lost!

What we need is "ACTION".

US staged an attack on terrorism just by a single incident and I dont understand what is required for our politicians to stage that kind of activity in India. Till such stringent action is taken everyone is a don our beloved MLAs ...can simply stop the traffic...use Guns in public...and terrorise people after all who cares!! are we heading towards Anarchy...or towards a Banana republic????

No ... we are a great country and I have hope that I see a peaceful India very soon!! No one can disturb our peace come what may!!
Its raining outside heavily and I feel all my apprehensions will be washed away by this rain in the night and tomorrow will have a more brighter day ahead!!!What do you feel :)

-Jai Hind

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Serial Blasts - Is this a war?????

I am really sad to start my first blog with such a topic which is in total contrast to what I thought my Blog would say!!! But these are the hard facts of Life and turn around of things from past couple of days have totally disturbed me.

Serial blasts in Banglore followed by 17 Blasts in Ahmedabad. God knows how many bombs are still alive and our security agenices trying their best to find them and diffuse them. What an horrifying act is this. People who died in the blasts doesnt even know why they are dying. Even a hard core criminal knows why he is hanged before his death and here is a situation where a common man who is innocent, fighting for his daily livelihood is just killed in matter of seconds and he doesnt know why. His family is still unaware of his whereabouts and hoping that he will be back to home soon.

Is this what the terrorists want. Is this what Allah is preaching . Allah have never said to go and kill people, you know why, coz he is GOD and for GOD everyone is same , everyone is his child. No Mother will kill his own child. How come these people claim to be followers of Allah and do all the atrocities on his name.

How can they plant a bomb in a Hospital (trauma center). This is very very atrocitious and barbaric in nature. After all the blasts , ppl will be brought to Hospital and they wanted to kill them even there too......the worst thinking ever.

Atleast now the Govt should realize what they are in to. Put aside the vote bank politics and take stringent measures to curb the activities of Anti-Social elements. Bring out stringent laws, form federal agencies joining the Intelligence wings of all the States and above all take DECISIONS.
This should not be an activity which will go on for few days such that Govt and people forget this after the media finds another story. This should go on till the roots of Terrorism are removed from underneath and shot in head!!!!!

Partly to blame the citizens of this Country for not giving any Govt clear majority , so that they can stand alone and take decisions.

May God rest all those poor souls in peace and give courage to their families to fight the vicissitudes of LIFE.

-Jai Hind