Saturday, December 6, 2008

Aye Mere Watan Ke Logo

My tribute to our Great Indian Men in Uniform!!

There will not be any Indian who will not be moved to tears listening to this song written by Kavi Pradeep, Composed by C.Ramachandra and sung by our India's voice Sri.Lata Mageshkar.

ऐ मेरे वतन् के लोगों
तुम् खूब् लगा लो नारा
ये शुभ् दिन् है हम् सब् का
लहरा लो तिरंगा प्यारा
पर् मत् भूलो सीमा पर्
वीरों ने है प्राण् गँवा
कुछ् याद् उन्हें भी कर् लो -२
जो लौट् के घर् न आये -२

ऐ मेरे वतन् के लोगों
ज़रा आँख् में भर् लो पानी
जो शहीद् हु हैं उनकी
ज़रा याद् करो क़ुरबानी

जब् घायल् हु हिमालय्
खतरे में पड़ी आज़ादी
जब् तक् थी साँस् लड़े वो
फिर् अपनी लाश् बिछा दी
संगीन् पे धर् कर् माथा
सो गये अमर् बलिदानी
जो शहीद्॥।

जब् देश् में थी दीवाली
वो खेल् रहे थे होली
जब् हम् बैठे थे घरों में
वो झेल् रहे थे गोली
थे धन्य जवान् वो आपने
थी धन्य वो उनकी जवानी
जो शहीद्॥।

को सिख् को जाट् मराठा
को गुरखा को मदरासी
सरहद् पे मरनेवाला
हर् वीर् था भारतवासी
जो खून् गिरा पर्वत् पर्
वो खून् था हिंदुस्तानी
जो शहीद्॥।

थी खून् से लथ्-पथ् काया
फिर् भी बन्दूक् उठाके
दस्-दस् को एक् ने मारा
फिर् गिर् गये होश् गँवा के
जब् अन्त्-समय् आया तो
कह् गये के अब् मरते हैं
खुश् रहना देश् के प्यारों
अब् हम् तो सफ़र् करते हैं
क्या लोग् थे वो दीवाने
क्या लोग् थे वो अभिमानी
जो शहीद्॥।

तुम् भूल् न जा उनको
इस् लिये कही ये कहानी
जो शहीद्॥।
जय् हिन्द्॥। जय् हिन्द् की सेना -२
जय् हिन्द् जय् हिन्द् जय् हिन्द्

Translation ----

O! the people of my motherland!
Raise all the slogans you desire,
This is a great day for us all,
Hoist your beloved tricolor,
But don't forget on the border,
The brave did lose their lives,
And remember each great soldier,
Who did not return home ever,

O! the people of my motherland!
Shed a few tears,
For those who martyred on ice,
Remember their great sacrifice!

When injured was the Himalayan might,
Our freedom was in jeopardy,
Till their last breath did they fight,
And then laid their dead body,

Resting their head on the soil,
Sacrificed and slept immortal,
For those who martyred on ice,
Remember their great sacrifice!

When the country celebrated Diwali,
They played with their blood the game of Holi,
When we were sitting safe at our homes,
They dealt with deadly bullets and bombs.

Blessed they were those soldiers,
Blessed were their youths,
For those who martyred on ice,
Remember their great sacrifice!

Some Sikh, some Jaat and Maratha,
Some were Gurkha or Madrasi,
But each soldier who died on the border,
Was a brave Hindustani.

The blood that stained the mountain,
That blood was that of an Indian,
For those who martyred on ice,
Remember their great sacrifice!

With blood their body was drenched,
Yet they lifted their rifle and aimed,
One killed tens of the enemy,
Then fell down unconsciously.

When the final moment came on,
They said they will die now,
Be happy! O beloved of the nation,
We embark on eternal journey now,

How great were those patriots,
How great was their pride,
For those who martyred on ice,
Remember their great sacrifice!

Don't you ever forget their glory,
So I narrate this noble story,
For those who martyred on ice,
Remember their great sacrifice!

Victory to India!, Victory to her army!
Victory to India!
Victory to India!
Victory to India!

Jai Hind!!!!!!!!!!!!

My heart reaches out to all those families who lost there loved ones and who sacrificed there lives for our Country, for us to live!!

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